The Evolution of Pain



By Lindsey Vertner

Everyone suffers from some level of pain throughout their lifetime. But what makes the difference between those that live fulfilled lives despite traumatic experiences and those that embody never-ending suffering? The difference is that the latter never gives their pain permission to evolve.

Here’s the thing: there is purpose in your pain, but it’s up to you to identify what that purpose is. It’s hard to see the healing paths you need to take because your judgment is foggy, and you can’t make logical solutions from emotional places.

Now don’t get me wrong! Emotions are needed, and we should absolutely embrace them…for a moment! Then, we must make an intentional choice to step out of victimhood because when we stay in victim mode, we give up our power for change.

To evolve means to develop and change into something more complex and better. However, pain doesn’t change into something better on its own. We have to willingly and actively give our pain permission.

Start by asking these questions:

  • How am I causing my own pain?

  • How is my pain blocking me from what I truly desire?

  • What lessons do I need to learn from this pain?

  • What steps can I take to move forward?

Then, allow yourself to release the pain, and let it guide you to its purpose in your life.

Lindsey Vertner is a Peak Potential Strategist & Speaker. Connect with her at


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