Customer Service Redefined


By: Everold Reid

The past two years has been challenging to say the least for most of us as we’ve had to navigate through a world of COVID, lockdowns, restrictions, reopening’s, more lockdowns and on and on. We have been forced to restructure almost every aspect of our lives’ personally, professionally, socially, physically, psychologically, and so many other ways. 

The question is, how we will reflect when we finally arrive back to “normalcy”.  How will we personally define normalcy and how will businesses define normalcy. 

One thing that have stood out to me given the current business climate with high demand and supply chain issues is, has customer service taken a back seat to profitability. 

When we return to so called “normalcy” how will consumers react to, or deal with the same businesses they’ve had to deal with over the last two years?  Has customer loyalty grown better or worse based on the customer service journey of the last two years? 

I wonder if companies took advantage of having high demand, low stock, higher prices for short term gain, and forgotten about long-term customer retention through old fashion empathy and customer service.

Some businesses and individuals are in for a surprise when the dust settles. Customers, at least this one will remember who tried to genuinely help, show some empathy and care vs. those that just took more of my money because the could. 

The questions I leave with you is, will businesses have to redefine customer service to include more empathy rather than a reaction of how a product or service filled your needs.

Another is, has customer loyalty increased over the past two years, or have that shifted because of been forced to conduct business more virtually or at curbsides? 

Send your feedback on your purchasing experiences of the last couple years and what stood out to you positive or not.

By Everold Reid.

Author. Speaker. CEO

#BeIntentional #BeThoughtful #AddValue #BeSafe



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