Adversity Is the Fuel of Growth and Greatness

Health & Wellness

By Rhonda M. Wood

Adversity is an inevitable part of life, and many people around the world are experiencing challenges from loss, pain, or heartbreak. These feelings can awaken a profound search for meaning, and finding your purpose in your pain is an essential part of healing. Do not let the confusion of your pain cloud the clarity of the purpose it can serve in your life. I learned that certain experiences are meant to stretch and take us to greater heights. Some of our most difficult experiences produce a greater purpose. They generate seeds of character, resilience, strength that need to grow. As you navigate the detours, diversions, and disruptions of life, be sure not to let difficulties limit your ability to dream, experience joy, or make an impact in the world. Not only will you heal, but your example will also inspire others to do the same. 





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