Decluttering for Success

Health and Wellness

By: Angel Riley


Surrounding ourselves with clutter and disorganization often breed negativity. Negativity affects our self-confidence hindering us from being successful in certain areas of life. It is essential to consistently remove excess belongings from our path to make room for clarity, creativity, and allow positive energy to freely flow.

 Here are tips to keep a clutter free home and life.

 1.     Replace old with new. For every new thing you bring into your space, let go of an old thing.

2.     Don’t keep unnecessary things. Get rid of nonessential items like stuff from past relationships.

3.     Get rid of stuff you dislike. It sounds harsh but donate, sell, or re-gift the hideous sweater grandma gave you for Christmas. Someone else may love it!

4.     Set a goal. Tackle one area at a time. Having a specific goal lets you feel more in control, organized, and accomplished. 

5.     Never procrastinate. Be firm with yourself. Do not feel guilty about getting rid of things cluttering your space.


Follow these tips to declutter for success.


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