Why are we afraid to talk About Mental Health?
Mental Health
By: Hope Gilchrist, LCPC
Isn't mental health also health? Isn't your head connected to your body? If we can go to the doctor for things that are physically bothering us why don't we go to a professional when things are bothering us on a mental level? Why do we buy into the stigma when it comes to Mental Health? Dealing with today's crisis and traumas that we are exposed to has increased the number of individuals being triggered and experiencing mental health crisis however many times people will not get the support needed because of the stigma connected to mental health. Many people are in need of a healing space and talking to a therapist or a professional would help aid in that process. It's important to normalize talks about mental health and increase awareness so that we can promote mental wellness. In our homes we have to be careful not to discourage mental wellness by saying things that are negative when it comes to taking care of our emotional selves. Start talking about mental health in your home at your job and in your communities because it's needed and the more we talk about it the more we normalize treatment for mental health. Remember Mental Health is Health!