Dating/Friendships Relationships (What does it really mean to be equally yoked?)


By Frances Ann Bailey


At times may you hear others tell those who are dating or becoming friends to be equally yoked and that it saves a lot of lost time and disappointments. Most of time if we are honest, we hear this statement coming from a lot of faith-based individuals and “equally yoked” to them most of time only means having the same religion and serving the same God. While this is a crucial part of being equally yoked, it is not the only part. In relationships, whether its friendships or dating is important to ensure there is a balance within. One person in the relationship shouldn’t be the only one doing all the giving, respecting, communicating, and etc. When this happens, the relationship has now faced a chance of becoming draining which then leads to toxic doors being opened. Then it’s the toxic behaviors exhibited by individuals in the relationship that causes it to die. So, in any relationship of dating or friendship ensure that you are equally yoked not only in faith but in your moral and ethical standards as well. 


Yolanda Cumbess


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